Syllabus + Introductions
Anna Tsing, Jennifer Deger, Alder Keleman Saxena, Feifei Zhou. The Feral Atlas: The More-Than-Human Anthropocene.
David Lynch. Mulholland Drive. Winkie's Diner scene.
Mark Fisher. The Weird and the Eerie.
Donna Haraway. Staying With the Trouble: Making Kin in the Chthulucene.
Brian Holmes. "Driving the Golden Spike."
Alfred North Whitehead. The Concept of Nature.
Dakota Gearhart. Life Touching Life ep. 1: "True Love". Animated video podcast.
Brian Massumi. Parables for the Virtual.
Gilles Deleuze. Logic of Sensation: Francis Bacon.
Field trip to Art Institute of Chicago.
Deleuze, Gilles and Felix Guattari. Selection: “Becoming Intense, Becoming Animal”. 233-252. A Thousand Plateaus.
No class.
Michel Serres. Parasite.
Vilem Flusser and Louis Bec. Vampyroteuthis Infernalis (The Vampire Squid from Hell).
Anna Watkins-Fisher. The Play in the System: The Art of Parasitic Resistance.
Guest: Dakota Gearhart
Erin Manning. "Angular Perspective; Or, How Concern Shapes the Field.
Final project proposals.
No class.
Guest: Muindi Fanuel Muindi (Center for Concrete and Abstract Machines, Fyrythr Institute for Unsettling Technologies)
Kodwo Eshun. More Brilliant than the Sun.
Steve Goodman. Sonic Warfare.
Muindi Fanuel Muindi. "The War on Terra". The War on Terra and the New Underground Railroad.
Laboria Cuboniks. The Xenofeminist Manifesto.
Isabelle Stengers. "Reclaiming Animism".
1:1 meetings.
Final presentations.
No Class.
Attend 7pm gallery opening: "Weird Dreams, Weird Analysis" at Co-Prosperity in Bridgeport, Chicago, Illinois.