Week 15 : Final Project
Project 3
Let's bring it all together. Create a new media artwork.
Consider the thematics of the class going all the way back to our first lectures on art, our readings, and our in-class discussions. How does your project relate to these?
- use techniques either processing, electronics, or both. (3D Fabrication / laser cutting allowed, but must have some coding or circuit building element)
- No matter what direction you take, your project should show one months worth of work.
- You must submit your project as an item of your www.glitch.com blog
- Documentation should include 1) photographs 2) embedded video (YouTube, Vimeo, Drive, etc.) 3) 100-200 word well-composed artist statement about your work optional) links to code, other resources, inspiration
- You must present your working project in class on the last day of class during week 15 (no exam period)
Other Materials