Week 15 : Final Project


Project 3

Let's bring it all together. Create a new media artwork.

Consider the thematics of the class going all the way back to our first lectures on art, our readings, and our in-class discussions. How does your project relate to these?


  1. use techniques either processing, electronics, or both. (3D Fabrication / laser cutting allowed, but must have some coding or circuit building element)
  2. No matter what direction you take, your project should show one months worth of work.
  3. You must submit your project as an item of your www.glitch.com blog
  4. Documentation should include 1) photographs 2) embedded video (YouTube, Vimeo, Drive, etc.) 3) 100-200 word well-composed artist statement about your work optional) links to code, other resources, inspiration
  5. You must present your working project in class on the last day of class during week 15 (no exam period)

Other Materials

Key Concepts: