Week 2 : Worldbuilding + p5*js 101


p5*js 101

The tired yet wired adage goes: if you can teach it, you can learn it. Or something like that. Your assignment is to work alone or with an assigned partner on a fundamental p5*js concept area in preparation to teach it to the rest of the class.

You may draw on any materials you like for this assignment. The Getting Started textbook is highly recommended; I have indicated some example numbers below to get you started.

You should prepare the following.

a 10-20 minute tutorial for the rest of the class. Aim to cover as many of the coding functions and concepts listed below as are reasonable within that time limit.

a p5*js sketch "cheat sheet" that shows all the concepts and functions in action. Label these concepts and functions with a JS comment. The visual appeal of what is drawn in this "cheat sheet" are *not* important. Aim instead to create an instructive document with pedagogy in mind.


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Make: Getting Started with p5*js

All Chapters


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Staying With the Trouble

Donna Haraway: "Making Kin: Anthropocene, Capitalocene, Plantationocene, Chtulucene"


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Weird and Eerie

Mark Fisher: "The Out of Place and the Out of Time: Lovecraft and the Weird”



presentations pt. 1:


Haraway, Donna. "Making Kin: Anthropocene, Capitalocene, Plantationocene, Chtulucene" in Staying with the Trouble (2016)

Fisher, Mark. “The Out of Place and the Out of Time: Lovecraft and the Weird” in The Weird and the Eerie (2017)

[cw: violence against women, slavery]

optional: Eshun, Kodwo. "Fear of a Wet Planet." Wire Magazine (1998).

optional: [cw: violence, slavery]"Inside the stunning Black Mythos of Drezciya and its Afrofuturist '90s techno" Ars Technica (2021)

optional: [cw: racism]"How Writers are Turning H.P. Lovecraft's Racist Work on its Head" CBC Radio (2021)


Other Materials

Eshun, Kodwo. "Fear of a Wet Planet." Wire Magazine (1998).
Inside the stunning Black Mythos of Drexciya and its Afrofuturist 90s techno
"How Writers are Turning H.P. Lovecraft's Racist Work on its Head." CBC Radio (2021)
Key Concepts: